Things have been busy at the Center lately. Everyone is talking about school supplies and needing donations. I think human children need supplies to help them learn. Something called "bookbags" are needed, and so are those things with metal rings that hold paper. (<--my favorite! I loooooovvvee to eat and sit on paper!) It seems children need lots of things when their new school year starts, and it can be difficult for humans to get the necessary items. If you have some of the needed items, please bring them to help the children out.
My son, Gus-Gus, is too young for school but he sure is trying to learn about new stuff!

I have had quite a time keeping him out of trouble!
There were a lot of people at the Center the last few days for food and utility assistance. There seem to be a lot of people not able to find work, so I feel very lucky to have my position as greeter here. I get food, water, and nice people come to visit me. I am truely blessed.